Your lenses are like your eyes -
you need to keep them nice and clean
to see the world the way you want.
And life is like light
in that the more present you are
the more you will soak up.
But emotional intelligence isn't like ISO -
cranking it up won't just give you noise -
it's going to have a huge impact
on how you continue to perceive the world around you.
Are you going to let people in
past your shutter?
Are you going to let them shed light
on your meter?
Are you going to under-
or over-
expose yourself?
We are all afraid of the way our moments
are going to be developed
and that's why we change our settings
and dial in our sensitivity.
But life
like whatever we are shooting each day
is not just what zips in front of our viewfinder -
it's how we react to it.