What does a photographer do
on days when the world
looks so bleak?
When memorable moments
stop jumping out at you?
When the histogram looks flat?
When you can't see the difference between light
and dark?
When even the mundane
can't save you?
Those are the times
when we realize
we take light
and the chaos of our cities
for granted.
Cities naturally shuffle the deck
for us photographers
so when they shut down
because of a pandemic or a natural disaster
photographers don't have the luxury of having their subjects
constantly being shuffled.
Streets don't automatically tick
according to the Rule of Thirds
and they don't ask you if you need more light
so it's up to photographers to account for the difference.
So the next time you are out there
and everything seems to be lining up
don't credit yourself
for being able to capture a beautiful moment -
credit a higher power
that enabled that moment to happen in the first place.

Getting Pulled Over For Being A Badass - APD Substation, 2019